Coming Soon: the Touchscreen iPod

Back in January, I noted that I did not think the iPhone would cannibalize the iPod because Apple would migrate the touchscreen downstream to the smaller and non iPhone "pods." It was only a matter of time before Apple would bring out a touchscreen (non-phone) iPod.

Rumors are already starting to pop up that one is coming, and I expect we will see something perhaps in time for this year’s Christmas season.

The latest? According to Digitek, "Wintek will be the panel supplier of Apple’s new iPod video, according
to sources at upstream suppliers. Apple is set to launch a
next-generation iPod video in August with the new products featuring a
touch screen panel similar to the iPhone, the sources noted." (This is an unconfirmed rumor)

Regardless, we should expect Apple to roll these out over the next few quarters, and turn the classic iPod into a much cheaper model. 

Here’s what I estimate Apple price points will look like in 12-18 months or so:

  Product Pricepoint
Apple iPhone
10/5 GB
iPod touchscreen*
100/60 GB
iPod "Classic"
80/30 GB
  iPod Nano
10/5 GB
Shuffle 1 GB $59

* estimated price, product not yet announced


Two concepts of Touchscreen iPods:





Apple iPhone/iPods
The Big Picture,
Tuesday, January 16, 2007 | 01:57 PM

Wintek to ship touch screen panels for new Apple iPods
Susie Pan, Taipei; Emily Chuang,
DIGITIMES, Wednesday 11 July 2007

Countdown to the Touchscreen iPod
Business 2.0, July 12, 2007

The Touch Screen iPod in September?
Terrence O’Brien
Jul 13th 2007, 8:42AM

What's been said:

Discussions found on the web:
  1. Christopher Laudani commented on Jul 13


    I’ll finally be able to watch my new favorite video “Chinatown Hustler” by the Notorious MSG on a larger screen.

  2. Tom B commented on Jul 13

    Solves my problem. I lust after the iPhone, but my wife has a Verizon addiction (because her family’s all on verizon; not because of any competence on the part of that carrier). It would be sweet if postulated new iPod does wifi, like the iPhone– if it did, I’d hardly miss the lack of cell phone capability…..

  3. eh commented on Jul 13

    AAPL is an innovative company that makes high demand products with enough cache to sell for premium prices, which keeps margins high; it doesn’t get much better.

    Having said that, I have never bought one of their products, and currently have no plans to do so. Because I am primarily interested in functionality, and in every case I can find desirable alternatives that do what I want, and for significantly less money. Cache (and soldered in batteries) I can do without.

    But I own AAPL stock and have no plans to sell.

  4. John F. commented on Jul 13

    The iPhone is a powerful computer for the size of the package. Should we assume Apple will eventually migrate it UPstream to fuller-featured tablet portables, both with and without phone features? Is the cost of the touch screen a primary limiting factor?

  5. Eclectic commented on Jul 13

    I missed my chance. Yesterday I was gonna post that we were overdue for an Applegasm on TBP.

  6. Celine commented on Feb 2

    i just love the thought of being able to touch it in stead of touch ing buttons.

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