Big Picture Survey

I would greatly appreciate if readers filled out this short survey:

The Survey is now closed!

Thank you to all who participated.

My initial read of the results were pretty interesting — I’ll have survey gizmo generate a full report today(a glitch prevented me from seeing all the responses)

I’ll cull some charts and data. Look for an update later this week . . . 




Big Picture Reader Survey


Page One









1. How frequently do you read The Big Picture?

2. How do you access The Big Picture?

3. What time of day do you generally check the site?

4. What are your primary reasons for using The Big Picture?

5. Have you ever made an investment decision based on anything you’ve read on The Big Picture?

6. Which of the following changes/additions to the site would you most like to see?

7. Considering all of the financial information you read, what percentage comes from each of the following sources?

Please enter the percentages (up to 100%) that indicate how you use your annual research budget:

8. How would you compare The Big Picture with other financial blogs 
you read on a regular basis?


10. Is your profession directly related to money management or 
financial oversight?

11. Which of the following best describes your profession?

12. What other subscription-based services do you currently subscribe to?

13. In terms of investable assets, I control or provide advice for


15. Do you reside in …

16. Special Question Type: Contact Form Group
a real drag having to build 10 questions every time you want to ask for
Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, etc. This is where the Contact
Group comes in. Just turn on or off the fields you need, mark some
fields as required, and you’re done. Plus, there are added benefits,
like automatic email validation. Click the Edit icon (the notepad) to
configure the options.

 Required Question
 Required Question






Powered by SurveyGizmo

What's been said:

Discussions found on the web:
  1. Mike commented on Oct 29


    Happy to complete the survey- however, its not setup correctly – its not allowing you to make multiple selections where appropriate.

  2. c b commented on Oct 29

    Extremely annoying survey. I tried to fill it in because I appreciate the site, but it balked repeatedly and defied all attempts to fix it.

  3. pmorrisonfl commented on Oct 29

    I had no trouble filling it in (WinXP, Firefox), but I agree that multiple choice questions should have multiple choice answers (what subscriptions do you have)!

    You’ve generated a lot of good will by your efforts over time… don’t blow it by going all bungling corporate on us!

  4. Tom commented on Oct 29

    Could not make any entries for Q 7

  5. Stuart commented on Oct 29

    Safari, Mac OSX platform and I had no problems.

  6. Estragon commented on Oct 29

    I’d also note that question 7 is unclear as to whether it’s the relative amounts of time spent reading, subscription dollars, or whatever that’s wanted.

    Personally, I find the usefulness, time spent reading, and subscription dollars paid to a source aren’t particularly well correlated.

  7. Michael J. commented on Oct 29

    Would love to fill this out, as I love the site, but there’s no need for my name and email being required, sorry.

  8. Dave commented on Oct 29

    Barry, another thing that needs to be corrected on the survey (as others hinted at) is question #1. Some of us visit TBG multiple times a day.

    So either we need to be able to select multiple options or we need an option for more than once a day.

  9. Barry Ritholtz commented on Oct 29

    If you don’t want to reveal anything, use a bogus name and a mailinator address

  10. Lyon commented on Oct 29

    I have to concur with above comments about multiple reasons. Thanks.

  11. Dries de Koninck commented on Oct 29

    Is this the step before the site becomes payable ?

  12. Gary commented on Oct 29

    Some of us get lots of info from our broker day long squawk box

  13. Greg0658 commented on Oct 29

    The SurveyGizmo people need to check the legal dot extensions. Refused to let me go. So I lied in the email and corrected in Company.

    .info is a legal extension

    They aren’t the only site – Nokia, WGN, and the blog running the Chicago Marathon come to mind.

  14. Braden commented on Oct 29

    I was happy to fill out the survey and help with some R&D with the eventual goal of making the blog better for myself and other users.

    But you can have a big fat GFY on the required name fields.

  15. Barry Ritholtz commented on Oct 29

    Braden — its Braden, isn’t it? — you can type whatever you want.

    besides, I only asked for a first name — which you gave here anyway . . .

  16. Stevie Freddem commented on Oct 29

    Feels like The Big Picture has jumped the shark, sad day,

  17. Brian B. commented on Oct 29


    i filled it out. (agree with multiply selections would of been better). And I gave you my real name(first and last). Somehow I doubt you are going to sell my info… you cant be that desperate for a couple of bucks… thanks again on a great blog!!! I know its got to be alot of work

  18. Eclectic commented on Oct 29

    I filled it out, cheated on the I.D. but answered the questions accurately.

    This is simply the best financial blog anywhere. Anybody that can’t understand that is just looking a gift horse in the mouth. It’s maybe the most valuable resource in the financial blogdomhood, and it’s F-R-E-E.

    Nowhere is there better quantity and quality of topics, and nobody allows better access and tolerates the scope of dissent posted here than our host. Barringo gives us all a voice. Think about it – what better gift could anyone give you than to give you a VOICE?

    I’m surprised the motor trucker gets any sleep.

    I’m read here… I’d be a nobody anywhere else. Ain’t that right Kudlow?

    I hope Barringo’s page views go to the moon. I hope Mrs. BP gets a hobby.

  19. The Financial Philosopher commented on Oct 29

    If you know much about identity theft, this questionnaire was nothing to complain about.

    “The wise man speaks because he has something to say; fools, because they have to say something.” — Plato

  20. ajw commented on Oct 29

    Happy to fill it out, grateful for the blog (though SurveyGizmo should be ashamed of themselves for the malfunctioning “multiple choice” radio buttons)

  21. Jim Bergsten commented on Oct 29

    Just when I think I know everything, something like this appears (preamble to question 16) to humble me:

    “It’s a real drag having to build 10 questions every time you want to ask for Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, etc. This is where the Contact Group comes in. Just turn on or off the fields you need, mark some fields as required, and you’re done. Plus, there are added benefits, like automatic email validation. Click the Edit icon (the notepad) to configure the options.”

    Huh? Eh? What?

    Ten questions? But there are sixteen. Ten input areas in question 16? But there are eleven. “Edit icon”? “Configure the options? “Turn on and off the fields”?

    (Said in a Peter Lorre type voice): Stimpy, my wealth of ignorance is astounding.

    Barry, what do it all mean?

  22. The Big Picture commented on Nov 14

    Results: Big Picture Reader Survey

    As promised, here are the results of the survey we did on Monday. Thank you again to everyone who participated in this survey: Over 2000 of you responded, and the results are quite intriguing. Kudos to Survey Gizmo for putting together a nice product -…

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