Headline of the Day

When preparing the linkfests, I come across a lot of silly, amusing, or just god-awful headlines. Its only Monday, but IU suspect we may alreay have a winner for this week:

Supermodel Bundchen Joins Hedge Fund Managers Dumping Dollars

I don’t think the currency preferences of anyone who shakes their ass models clothes for a living is determinative long term, but perhaps it means we are getting closer to a counter-trend rally for the dollar . . .


Note: With this post, we introduce the category Contrary Indicators.


Supermodel Bundchen Joins Hedge Funds Dumping Dollars
Bo Nielsen and Adriana Brasileiro
Bloomberg, Nov. 5 2007

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  1. RCJ commented on Nov 5

    For Giselle shouldn’t this just be part of Asset Management ?

  2. michael schumacher commented on Nov 5

    We saw that on B’Berg last night….

    My wife’s instant reaction was the same as your’s BR…….

    Buy the dollar index..


  3. SINGER commented on Nov 5

    This is cool…It would be a nice idea to track this category and actually make a determination as to its predictive abilities whether real or imagined!!!

    At the end of the day, even though the trend on the Dollar is down and the Euro/Dollar is up and GOLD and ENERGY is up… In the near term, the sentiment is very positive and the moves on a price basis are very overextended…especially with the Euro old high around 145.00 finally coming into play as an area of obvious profound resistence…


  4. Christopher Laudani commented on Nov 5

    Hey Barry,

    Giselle understands cross border currency rates since she is making a huge amount of money importing shoes from China into Brazil.

    Even Giselle can’t keep the dollar up.

  5. Moose commented on Nov 5

    I will believe anything Giselle wants me to believe….

  6. Boom2Bust.com commented on Nov 5

    Counter-trend rally for the dollar? Perhaps. But I’d be skeptical regarding its strength and duration. I can only see more rough seas ahead for the greenback…

  7. ScrewBush commented on Nov 5

    I stole this from another blog because after reading about Citigroup’s write down I had to pass it on:

    How soon before the Nigerians start spamming bank officers with:

    “Kut 3B frm ur ugly writ-dn!”

  8. tim commented on Nov 5

    I thank this article for alerting me to the fact that Giselle has a twin sister. Now my underwear is bundchen…

  9. XON commented on Nov 5

    And here, TBP finally merges into the mainstream of blog comments with one of it’s first, legitimate instances of the need for the other-wise ubiquitous blog comment: This thread is useless without pics!

  10. Doctor Biobrain commented on Nov 5

    Hey, they don’t call them Super-models just for their good looks. Oh wait, that is why they call them that. Nevermind.

  11. VennData commented on Nov 5

    VennData changes his opinion on marking his portfolio to model.

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