Bloomberg Radio Interview


For those of you souls who are still around, I will be doing a Bloomberg radio interview from about 11:07am til 11:30 today on the Agricultural sector.

As a special bonus only for TBP readers, I will also be naked.

That is all . . .

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  1. KirkH commented on Dec 27

    From the Sallie Mae conference call:

    Albert L. Lord

    How good is this? Steve, let’s go. There’s no — no questions. Let’s get the f&@k out of here.

    Steve McGarry

    Okay, Hilary, if there are no more questions, we’ll end the call. Thank you, everybody for tuning in and if you do have follow-up questions, please feel free to call myself or Joe Fischer. Thank you. That ends the call.

    You should end interviews with a catch phrase like that.

  2. Eric Davis commented on Dec 27

    you have been hitting the egg nog!!!

  3. ricobird commented on Dec 27

    OMG: BR, now I can see your short comings!

  4. Chief Tomahawk commented on Dec 27

    Are we working our way up to an onset interview at The Naked News???

  5. Jeremiah commented on Dec 27

    There’s a joke in here about a “soft market”, but I’m not gonna touch it.

  6. winston munn commented on Dec 27

    Quote: “As a special bonus only for TBP readers, I will also be naked.”

    Dear Sirs:

    Please cancel my subscription…what’s that??? It’s free??? Damn!

    Dear Optometrist:

    Please cancel my order for those new glasses….

  7. Lady G commented on Dec 27

    I enjoyed the broadcast!

  8. Jonathan commented on Dec 27

    I can see now why you are advising to short the market.

  9. John commented on Dec 27

    I’m not going to mention hard assets. That would be nuts.

  10. UrbanDigs commented on Dec 27

    will you be selling Svedy Balls?

  11. Michael Bloomberg commented on Dec 30

    Do you have an opinion on the man behind Bloomberg LP?

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