I have been totally loving this little book by Jessica Hagy called Indexed:
With a few deft lines, she manages to communicate a whole lot more information then you would imagine possible, in quite an amusing and witty way.
Some of her stuff comes dangerously close to chart porn.
I posted a few more examples after the jump.
Golden parachutes make for wild rides.
Great stuff . . .
Sample Index Cards:
Already been done. Please see http://www.xkcd.com/
she has a blog
Barry, if you enjoy this you’ll also like XKCD, probably the most popular online web cartoon for nerds right now.
lol very nice
I am familiar with XKCD — but its a totally different approach than indexed . . .
Is that a G Spot Barry? I mean it looks like Goldilocks. LOL!
I am half-amazed, half-amused, half-dissapointed (yeah, I know it’s three halfs) that this is the sum of the responses. These are perhaps too close to home? What you posted was great, her blog has a treasure trove of hilarity/irony. Check the “Booze” category.