Roubini: Recession May Last Up to Six Quarters

My pal Nouriel Roubini, of NYU and RGE talks with Bloomberg about the outlook for a U.S. recession and the housing market.

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Roubini Says U.S. Recession May Last Up to Six Quarters
Bloomberg, February 26 2008

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  1. JustinTheSkeptic commented on Feb 27

    I had no idea who the man was a year ago, and now all I can do is honor him for his insight, and truthfulness. Nouriel for President! Problem is he has been and will keep on being tared and feathered by the media and powers that be. Once it is proven that he was completely right, they say he was lucky.

  2. JustinTheSkeptic commented on Feb 27

    “Inflation” made it to the top-ten searches on Yahoo. Now the public is getting involved. Talk about “future expectations?” Now do you understand why inflation is more detrimental to an economy than higher interest rates and a recession Bernanke? Wring the system out and get it over with!

  3. Michael Donnelly commented on Feb 27

    Hard to see how that happens, I can see Q1 and Q2 being negative, but Q3 should be positive with all the massive Federal checks being mailed out.

  4. shoeless commented on Feb 27

    “Hard to see how that happens, I can see Q1 and Q2 being negative, but Q3 should be positive with all the massive Federal checks being mailed out.”

    Those checks are gonna be used to either pay down credit card debt or buy a couple of gallons of milk or put some $4 gas in the ol’ SUV. Little inate consumption will actually take place.

  5. Michael Donnelly commented on Feb 27

    Shoeless, that may well be true but spending is spending, so I’d be willing to bet Q3 is a nice healthy positive number. So getting a 6 quarter recession is hard to see. Maybe 2 back to back recessions….

  6. squeezed commented on Feb 27

    Paying down debt equals spending??

  7. winjr commented on Feb 27

    I don’t believe that he has ever straightened his tie.

  8. TiredofBS commented on Feb 27

    Roubini was on Kudlow over a year ago claiming we were already in bad recession. He has been way off.If this guy is a professor his students are getting ripped off.

  9. v commented on Feb 27

    I second.

    Nouriel Roubini for President! Perhaps a Roubini/Santelli ticket. With BR in a cabinet position, natch.


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