Tigger Economics

Kinda remind you of anyone?


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  1. Ross commented on Feb 14


    He would actually look good in Riker’s stripes.

  2. michael schumacher commented on Feb 14


    yesterday it was 80d in the backyard…today it is hailing and can’t get over 50 d.

    Global Warming is a bitch……


  3. Trainwreck commented on Feb 14

    LoL I can just see him pounding on his “buy, buy, buy!” button.

  4. cornholio commented on Feb 14

    he is known as “the greatest fade of all time” for a reason!

  5. pgbmab commented on Feb 14

    Yep – it’s Cramer. Best contrarian indicator EVER.



  6. Estragon commented on Feb 14

    LOL. It’s all Eyore’s fault.

  7. John Badalian commented on Feb 14

    I see the Bush Administration is going to shut down EconomicIndicators.gov allegedly for “budgetary reasons” effective March 1st.
    Smells like the M-3 “deep-six”. While this data (i.e., GDP, Net Imports and Exports, retail sales, durable goods shipments & Census Bureau) is available elsewhere, this portal saves much time and effort. In the future we’ll be forced to pay a fee for easy availablity of this info.

    Give thinkprogress.org kudos for digging this information out!

  8. Ben commented on Feb 14

    I love Larry too. :P

  9. viamede commented on Feb 14

    Their tops are made out of rubber,
    their bottoms are made out of springs.
    They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy,
    Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!

  10. Pat G. commented on Feb 14

    Exactly!! Why would you even be in stocks right now?

  11. Roger Thatchery commented on Feb 14

    Kudos to Ron Insana: Just now on CNBC he said the Fed must pursue a Japan-style ZIRP. The writing is on the wall.

    Kudlow retorted with a speech about increased railroad infrastructure investment.

    0% is where we are headed. Ben Shalom Bernanke (that’s his real middle name according to Wikipedia) is going to chase the deflation dragon into the vortex. Blessed are the peacemakers!

    The stated mission is to protect the taxpayers from ‘flation. The real mission is to preserve the private, for-profit, unconstitutional Federal Reserve.

  12. Ben commented on Feb 14

    Hey Ron, Shhhhhhh………

  13. Grodge commented on Feb 14

    I just spoke with a person at TDAmeritrade to inquire about my Muni “Money Market” sweep for the cash in my brokerage.

    He said the current interest rate is 0.8% annually!!! It used to get about 4%.

    I changed it over to the US gov’t MM at 2.9%. I don’t care about the rate, I want safety now.

    What happens when everyone else figures this out and sells their Muni short term funds??

    Is this Armageddon yet or am I reading way too much into this?

  14. Pool Shark commented on Feb 14


    “But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers Cramers is [he’s] the only one.”

  15. ef commented on Feb 14

    “I’m not as concerned about the return ON my money, as the return OF my money.” Mark Twain.

    But if you aren’t keeping up with inflation, you ARE falling behind.

    When it comes to financial pundits I’m a little tone deaf, they all sound the same to me, mostly.

  16. The Financial Philosopher commented on Feb 14

    “Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.” ~ Winnie the Pooh

  17. cinefoz commented on Feb 14


    If you sold bonds that you bought at 4%, but now earn .8%, you just made a humongous profit, nitwit. Rate and price have an inverse relationship with bonds. What are you complaining about?

  18. jj commented on Feb 14

    Cinefoz and MS

  19. Koba commented on Feb 14

    He’s talking about a money market fund, sparky. Y’know how those work?

  20. cathompson commented on Feb 14

    jj and koba batting clean up. Way to go guys.

  21. donna commented on Feb 14

    Tigger is the only “sane” one in the entire Pooh menagerie, you know.

    Might as well enjoy the ride!

  22. a a milne commented on Feb 14

    Hoo, hoo, hoo HOO… That’s what tigger’s do the best!

    Recently watched an episode where Tigger was granted all his birthday wishes, but for every wish he made, another candle on his cake would extinguish. After wasting all his wishes on needless luxuries and left with a single candle, he sensibly decided to wish he and his friends back to reality. I don’t see our current perdicament ending so happily…

  23. a a milne commented on Feb 14

    Hoo, hoo, hoo HOO… That’s what tigger’s do the best!

    Recently watched an episode where Tigger was granted all his birthday wishes, but for every wish he made, another candle on his cake would extinguish. After wasting all his wishes on needless luxuries and left with a single candle, he sensibly decided to wish he and his friends back to reality. I don’t see our current perdicament ending so happily…

  24. Grodge commented on Feb 14

    Thanks Koba.

    This seems eerie to me that the yield dropped by so much. The representative at TDAmeritrade said that the money market fund manager was “getting more conservative” in order to preserve the NAV at $1.

    I just don’t see why anyone would settle for 0.8%, so won’t everyone just sell their Muni money market shares and eventually send the NAV to sub-$1??

    I’m obviously no economist, but this sounds ominous.

    And why is Doug Kass all of a sudden bullish? Just a technical bounce thing?

    The world seems upside down.

  25. Bob A commented on Feb 14

    Also known as Bozonomics

  26. MrWoohoo commented on Feb 14

    I like Cramer despite his yelling and screaming gag. After I heard his talk at Bucknell University I like him even more, tho I would like more of his “real self” showing through on his show. Check it out! VERY interesting!!!


  27. viamede commented on Feb 14

    “Technology is what Tiggers like best.”

    “Ppphhhbbbtttt…Tiggers don’t like technology.”

  28. MDDwave commented on Feb 14

    The hugh swings in the stock market reminds of unstable process (proportional-integral-derivative or PID controller used in the chemical process industries.

    Quoting http://www.expertune.com/artCE87.html it states “Unlimited derivative action does not help good loop control but does amplify measurement noise in the controller output. The result of unlimited derivative is a “jumpy” or nervous and noisy controller output.”

    Perhaps there is too much derivative stock market action lately!

  29. kuok commented on Feb 15

    Dont vote BN! If you vote BN, BN will reward you with Toll hike, Petrol hike, Electricity hike & Water hike. Say NO to BN, say NO to inflation!

  30. et alli. commented on Feb 15

    Time Is Short For Monolines

    Speaking Personally Eliot Spitzer told congress that time is short, only four to five days, for bond insurers, the monolines, to obtain recapitulation funds or regulators will need to step in. Nouriel Roubini sketches (quote below) probable outcomes fr…

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