The Economist: The Debate We Would Like To See

The Economist offered up another free 4 week trial for Big Picture readers, so I am passing it along.

As I was kicking around their site, I came across this brilliant animated video:

Here’s your link for the free trial


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  1. Banker commented on Apr 24

    Great Video….. starts my day off right.

    Great site.


  2. Mike J commented on Apr 24

    Ad before the video “You either have it or you don’t. Make it happen. (RBS).”

    Guess RBS didn’t have it and had to make a $24 billion dilution happen.

  3. E commented on Apr 24

    Jay, for hundreds of thousands of years, parents brought their kids to work – to the hunt, to the gathering of wood for fires, to the plucking of berries, to the fashioning of furs into clothes. And it worked out great – so much so that here we are today.

    Letting kids be kids is the liberal claptrap – shielding them from exposure to the actual world and what people do. They become infantilized to the point that they can’t possibly be productive in the workforce until their mid-20s and can’t bear marrying until their 30s. Look at the boomer generation right now – it’s hard to argue that they ever grew up.

  4. Ross commented on Apr 24

    I’m with you, Jay.

    Time to start the counter reformation!

    Economist won’t let me watch. I give them a biscuit but they want to enable my cookies! Ptui on them.

  5. Remy commented on Apr 24

    cool video:-)


  6. sergtat commented on Apr 24

    to too easy to post a video and write nothing. This blog is becoming just the placeholder. If it is not for smart and clever comments I would stop reading it some time ago.


    BR: Remind us again — where do you post all of your writing?

  7. Ross commented on Apr 24


    Geez, it’s just a little commercial interuption. The Boy deserves a little remuneration from time to time. At least we don’t suffer dancing Di-Tech cartoons.

  8. ac commented on Apr 24

    Sorry “E”, one of the worst posts I have ever read.

    The Boomers never grew up? Uh, yes they did. Their kids behaved much worse, but most of that is all about the credit cycle and now their kids will live much less.

    Your view of trying to regulate “what marriage” should be is pure weak minded ignorance.

    People don’t get married at quickly because we don’t need to. We are living longer and no matter what the food police say, stay younger LONGER. Getting married in your 30’s is what used to be like getting married in your 20’s.

    Deal with it, accept it and come to grips with it. Weak minded pussycats like yourself should be purged from the DNA shield.

  9. John Wellman commented on Apr 24

    Jay, nice post. The intelligencia driven “inclusivity” gimmick reeks of inefficiency. Substituting social promotion, awareness and good feelings for hard work, discipline and foresight has helped create many of our current problems in the USA. Hovering parents do stunt individual growth and maturity for our youths. Let the children be young while they are young, so when they grow old they have the ability to step up into the adult world.

  10. Dirk van Dijk commented on Apr 24

    Christ, we are talking about 1 day a year here folks. Not a bad thing for your kids to see where you work, what you actually do all day, who you work with. Also not a bad thing for a parent to actually visit the kids school sometime either. Some of you folks are making far to big a deal out of this.

  11. worth commented on Apr 24

    LOVE The Economist, LOVE its Pearson Publishing sister pub Financial Times.

    No harm in taking the kids(s) into your office (or wherever) during working hours for an hour or two, is there? Lord knows that schools cannot possibly adequately prepare/discourage future office drones (or whatever)in such a realistic way, so why not let the parents show them first hand?

  12. E commented on Apr 24

    ac, I prescribed nothing in my post. I am emphatically anti-regulation when it comes to marriage. I’m just stating a societal trend – infantilization – and it’s causes – hyperprotective parenting.

    And just to make this topic fit in with the blog content, let’s keep in mind that these emotionally fragile generations are the participants in the housing market, the equity markets, the debt markets, etc.

    As for “purging my DNA from the shield”, that statement in response to nothing more than a blog post is exemplary of the kind of emotional immaturity I pointed out. QED.

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