USA National Gas Temperature Map

Now you can see what gas prices are around the country at a glance. Areas are color coded according to their price for the average price for regular unleaded gasoline.

Cool map:


Click here for the Canada National Gas Temperature Map.

via Gas Buddy

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  1. engineer al commented on May 19

    I’d like to find a similar diesel fuel map. Diesel is the fuel of commerce.

    Gasoline here is $3.60/gal but diesel fuel is running $4.40/gal. You might blame a portion of the difference on the new ULS standards but $0.80/gal difference?

    Once, diesel was always cheaper than gasoline.

  2. deltaverde commented on May 19

    Looks an aweful lot like one of the red/blue electoral maps. Hmm…

  3. Steve Barry commented on May 19

    Speaking about commodities and fuel…For you traders…look at DRYS…massive bearish engulfing candle on big volume today. Could signal a pause in the rebound since March?

  4. Steve Barry commented on May 19

    Maria’s cockiness is back too…recession avoided by her tone

  5. stanleyb commented on May 19

    Now we need a map for gasoline refinery sales areas comparing yearly output to population, since no new refineries have built in the US for several decades despite population continuing to increase.

    Or would these variations instead be from county to county gasoline tax differences and different state laws on pollution standards?

  6. Darkness commented on May 19

    The local and state taxes need to be taken out to make any real conclusions on this. If what results isn’t just a cost of delivery chart, then something odd is going on. Given the hard color changes at state lines, this looks like a tax map.

    $4.00 is still cheap. $8.00 will still be cheap, given the alternative is to WYA (walk your ass) everywhere. Added benefit of that: money saved on the health club membership that can then be cancelled.

    All those who chose, of their own free will, to not live on a transit line that would get them to work, and too far from the store to walk to shopping… gets to pay. How else should it work, short term? Those of us who consciously made the opposite decision should not be on the hook for those who refused to.

    Long term, zoning laws desperately need to change so we get more mixed use residential, and without the pain, that isn’t going to happen. So we need some pain, so the squawking gets loud enough.

  7. odograph commented on May 19

    stanleyb, I’ve heard that you shouldn’t count refineries, but instead should could production capacity. (A refinery doubled in size is still one refinery.)

  8. DB commented on May 19

    Hear hear for Darkness. I am all for (tax based) $8 gas, if it means money for car transportation stops coming out of my income/property taxes, and instead comes directly out of the pockets of the people that overuse the roads.

    Bike lanes are narrow and cheap, so lets rebuild our ‘burbs around public transportation hubs.

    Unfortunately, sometimes I think I am going to be given a pony before sensible urban planning.

  9. Steve Barry commented on May 19

    per my earlier post, DRYS just announced earnings and the stock is tanking further…Kudlow loves to cite dry ship rates as supporting a strong economy.

  10. ThresherK commented on May 19

    Another vote for a map which graphically considers state and local taxes.

    I also want to know how many gas stations some of the larger area, less populated counties have. Can one owner of stations change the color in the map by changing prices overnight?

  11. TR commented on May 19

    I guess improved general health would be a nice sideeffect of permanently higher oil prices, as people would have to use their feet or a bike instead of driving.

  12. Jim Haygood commented on May 19

    State taxes are the dominant variable in this map. New Jersey is the “cheap gas” state in the Northeast, with state taxes 27 cents lower than New York and 30 cents lower than Connecticut. Here’s a table covering all states:

  13. Garuda commented on May 19

    So, the cheapest gas in the country is in Dick Cheney’s “home” state of Wyoming.

    Why does this not surprise me?

  14. a guy called john commented on May 19

    does anyone else think the price of oil is opec/russia’s way of telling cheney/bush to stay away from iran? like, hey dude, don’t even look at a map of it?

  15. Ed commented on May 19

    Notice those Midwestern states (Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia) that have a much more redish/orange hue than their neighbors. The retail market there is dominated by Speedway (a part of Marathon Oil), who orders company-wide price hikes on a regular basis.

  16. Paul in NYC commented on May 19

    Yeah I noticed that too about Wyoming. Well bless Dick Cheney’s fugly little heart.

  17. Ed Miller commented on May 20


    You pulled a Maria. Shame on you.

    Gasoline is on the map, but your title says Natural Gas, which we use to heat our homes. Oops!


    BR: It says NATIONAL gas — not Natural.

  18. Ed Miller commented on May 20


    My oops. Sorry. I can’t even read tonight,so it must be time to call it a night. [I need one of those embarrassed emoticons about now.]

  19. VJ commented on May 20


    Now we need a map for gasoline refinery sales areas comparing yearly output to population, since no new refineries have built in the US for several decades despite population continuing to increase.

    Actually, Big Oil has intentionally dramatically reduced refining capacity in this country. In 2000, there were 350 gasoline refineries, as of 2003, there were only 140 gasoline refineries, a 60% reduction in refining capacity. The fact that there have been no new gasoline refineries built is because Big Oil does not want them built.

  20. wunsacon commented on May 20

    Gas is cheap. It’s houses that are overpriced.

  21. wunsacon commented on May 20

    Here’s another way to look at the situation:

    We don’t need more refining capacity.
    We don’t need more oil.
    Americans waste energy.
    The price of energy must rise until the waste stops.

    Forget Social Security and welfare. I see an “entitlement mentality” when Americans think they’re entitled to cheap gas to drive their innumerate kids to 5 after-school activities in their light-truck frames.

    Why do some Americans think foreigners are required to work for $0.50 / hour under the blazing sun, on offshore platforms away from their families, and in sweatshops in order to export their natural resources to the US of A? In return for IOU’s that you can’t redeem for anything of value (until converted into another currency)?

    My, my, the Empire’s citizens are a demanding lot.

  22. Greg0658 commented on May 20

    BR: It says NATIONAL gas — not Natural

    thanks for pointing that out
    I was on the other page too

    temperature and gas goes Natural for me
    that BTU thinggy

  23. stapleton commented on May 20

    I’ve always heard that NJ gas was cheaper because most of the gas on the East coast is refined in NJ (thus no transport costs)?

    Is this at all accurate? Or is it just that the taxes are lower?

  24. mike commented on May 21

    Wait till it is revealed(don’t hold your breath) that pumping the oil(lubricant-blood) out of mother earth is causing the earthquakes..

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