Metals Conference: Currency, Fed policy, and Debt


If anyone is around Central Park South today, I am giving a short presentation on currency, Fed policy, and debt and how it impacts metals supply and prices at 11:00am at the Ryan’s Notes 2008 Assessing Metal Market Drivers.

Here are the details:

Ryan’s Notes will host a one-day meeting on Assessing Metal Market Drivers on June 16 in New York City. Speakers will present papers on industries that affect ferroalloy consumption: Steel, energy, automobiles, aerospace, housing and chemicals. In addition, financial analysts will focus on the economic outlook, mergers, currencies and debt. Finally, there will be a discussion of organized metals exchanges established and proposed.

New York Athletic Club
180 Central Park South
New York City
June 16, 2008

Ryan’s Notes publishes a weekly newsletter that covers news and prices of ferroalloys, metallics, lead and zinc and minor metals. I have attached a copy of a newsletter. Ryan’s Notes also holds conferences. We hold an annual ferroalloys conference that last year attracted over 650 delegates. We recently held our second Metallics Meeting where we had slightly less than 200 delegates.

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  1. michael schumacher commented on Jun 16

    15 minutes to start and you’re just getting it up here??



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