More “Bang” For The Buck

CNBC’s Jane Wells is a naughty, naughty girl.

She delightfully reports that the Moonlight BunnyRanch in Carson City, Neveda — the legal whorehouse featured on HBO’s "Cathouse" — is offering the first 100 customers who show up with their stimulus rebate checks twice the "services" for the same price. Guys that bring in their entire $1,200 check gets a special deal: three women and a bottle of bubbly.

Now you know why its called a stimulus check . . .


Sex and the Stimulus Package: "More Bang For The Buck"?!
Jane Wells
CNBC, Jun.12 2008 12:57 PM ET

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  1. Chief Tomahawk commented on Jun 13

    “Guys that bring in their entire $1,200 check gets a special deal: three women and a bottle of bubbly.”

    YIKES BR!!!!!!!

    The “entire $1,200” is the FAMILY check amount. Watch out for a pr firestorm on that one… money for hoes or baby formula???????

  2. bluestatedon commented on Jun 13

    Definitely a recipe for some significant inflation. But then deflation will set in afterwards.

  3. BG commented on Jun 13

    I say good for them!! ENJOY!!

    You know prostitution has been legal all over the US for quite sometime now and in most cases, it costs you a lot more than $1200 and isn’t nearly as enjoyable!!

    So, again, I say ENJOY each other and get all that the service offers.

    Happy Friday, you lucky devils!!

  4. Drew commented on Jun 13

    I find this offensive… especially since I don’t qualify for a stimulus check!

  5. Ferox commented on Jun 13

    Gives new meaning to “fuck the economy”.

  6. me commented on Jun 13

    “Definitely a recipe for some significant inflation. But then deflation will set in afterwards.”

    I wonder if there is a penalty for early withdrawal?

  7. BustaMove commented on Jun 13

    Way to buy American!

  8. cjc commented on Jun 13

    Um yeah. Single Guy gets $600.
    Only a Married person would get $1200. At least inferred is that married people (more likely to) pay for sex.

    Then again, reading the story lets me do math. On the boob tube, receiving the information with visuals, they probably had pictures of women to distract from the ability to do math.

    or — people don’t think when watching TV about sex.


  9. Big E commented on Jun 13

    What they don’t tell you is that you get the “pigs” for $1200…

  10. Philonius commented on Jun 13

    If they do more stories like this, CNBC will quickly turn into the joke that Fox news has become.

  11. brent green commented on Jun 13

    What time is Sptizer showing up?

  12. SR commented on Jun 13

    Re Ferox: Gives new meaning to “fuck the economy”.

    I believe that real premise is ‘The f#cking you get, for the f#cking you got’.

    As always, your mileage may vary….

    Happy Friday the 13th to all!

  13. Mace commented on Jun 13

    For a brief moment there, you had really raised my hopes about that hottie Jane Wells…

  14. bluestatedon commented on Jun 13

    In this context, “Plunge Protection Team” is a prophylactic.

  15. Risk Averse Alert commented on Jun 13

    This from the network that gloated when Spitzer went down. Seems to be a moral double-standard in the executive suites. However, maybe Jane was only being the Helpful Helen to her hairless colleagues (and Dennis Neal, too). Always the team player!

  16. janet commented on Jun 13

    No wonder our country is being taken away, you people better wake up and grow up and start fighting for our country instead of acting like little boys and girls.Unless you want to answer to china and mid east very soon!!

  17. AGG commented on Jun 13

    So now it’s the orgy on tha Titanic instead of rearranging deck chairs? Aristotle, Socratese and Plato be damned; Americans are now all Epicurian all the time.
    I need a drink.

  18. Ken H. commented on Jun 13

    Hey, at least Erin will be able to get another job where she has experience?

    oohh aahh! Hedge that!

  19. Robert- commented on Jun 13

    Is it against the law to forge my wifes signature?

  20. Francois commented on Jun 13

    More bang for the buck? Or more fang for the fuck?

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