Joe Nocera: The Shorts Ate My Company

I’ve been meaning to mention this — and Paul reminded me this morn — but NYT columnist Joe Nocera is now blogging.

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Joe Nocera Blog

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  1. RW commented on Jul 17

    Yep, that’s about the size of it …except you know you’ve come a long way from the USA of legend when it has to be explained (again and again).

    I suppose it’s a ‘good thing’ though that the SEC (and Fed’s) selective enforcement of existing laws and regulations is no longer a taboo subject in corporate media.

  2. ~SEG commented on Jul 17

    We have achieved transparency through pure unadulterated ineptness of our leaders at all levels…

    The Empire is lead by naked people… Its way past just the lamest of ducks…

  3. VennData commented on Jul 17

    Great quotes of Erin Callan… “Wind in their sail?” is that a FASB term?

    Somebody’s hired her, like a 7-9 NFL also-ran who hires a re-tread head coach who gets them to 9-7.

    Will she be taking David Einhorn’s call?

  4. steve commented on Jul 18

    posting at 3 in the morning again, barry?

    Are you a robot?

    no, seriously, are you?!

  5. JustinTheSkeptic commented on Jul 18

    Naked Short Selling is wrong, shorting with borrowed shares from a companies float is not, because naked short selling creates a lop-sided share inflation. (if you will?).

  6. Barry Ritholtz commented on Jul 18

    You can schedule posts to go up at any hour you want.

    3am is for our Asian and Europeans readers — something to start their day with

  7. steve commented on Jul 18

    well then… – thanks from Asia!

  8. jc commented on Jul 19

    No surprise – everybody wants special treatment – the market makers got excluded, and now all banks and financial firms want to be included.

    If the SEC can gradually expand these rules to all publicly traded companies and make it expensive & difficult to short then we could have a nice market run up going into the November election. The gains will be temporary – but timing is everything!

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