WTF? 10 Best Gloom And Doom Sites

This is one odd list:  Really? Greg Mankiw — Doom & Gloom? What the hell is that about?

Here’s the list, the full commentary is at the site:

10 Best Gloom And Doom Sites   

1. Daily Reckoning
2. Clusterfuck Nation
3. The Big Picture
4. DollarCollapse.Com
5. Angry Bear
6. Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis
7. Naked Capitalism
8. Peter Schiff
10. The mess that greenspan made

I don’t know whether to be proud or insulted . . .

What's been said:

Discussions found on the web:
  1. STS commented on Jul 1

    From anybody associated with Bush that is definitely a badge of honor.

  2. Greg commented on Jul 1


    Your obviously way too pesimistic and too analytical. Try writing about something nice like kittens or something. ;-)

    PS Keep up the good work. Many many thanks for digging into the real data and info.

  3. CaptiousNut commented on Jul 1

    First of all, Mankiw’s site is hardly a blog since I effectively made him close the comment section. Furthermore, the buffoon hardly even says anything himself. His “blog” is at best a *linkfest*.

    Not to mention he’s unctuous !

  4. Andy Tabbo commented on Jul 1

    Barry. You should be insulted that something called Clusterfuck nation is ahead of you, written by some chap named Kunstler, of all things.

    – AT

  5. JAN commented on Jul 1

    I like CF Nation, he gets carried away sometimes, but is a good writer with good observations (summary: we are f’d)

  6. KnotRP commented on Jul 1

    Someone with some scripting skill is gaming the poll to amuse us….it’s pretty f*cking funny that someone managed to get him on that list.

  7. ARISTOTLE commented on Jul 1

    BR, Maybe it’s time for another one of those “nothing but good news days”?

  8. Douglas Watts commented on Jul 1



    So where we are at now is the equivalent of standing in the slop by the ocean shore under a gathering hundred-foot-high wave that is about to come crashing down on our heads. Since I sure don’t know everything, I can’t say how this will all play out in the months ahead, especially with the presidential election coming at the exact moment that voters will be turning on their furnaces for the cold and dark winter beyond. I would venture to say that so far our society as a whole has done a piss-poor job of comprehending the situation. But there is still the possibility, with four months of politicking left, that the nature of our predicament can be articulated in a way that few can fail to understand, the way Mr, Lincoln articulated the terms of the Civil War on the eve of its fateful outbreak.

    Sorry, Barry. Your gloom is like an Amway salesman on Ritalin compared to this.

  9. The Financial Philosopher commented on Jul 1

    Lists are created to attract our rat brain’s attention, which is why they are used by so many media sources, especially blogs.

    You should be “proud” that you are on the list but “insulted” that your blog is associated with yet another mindless, attention-stealing list to attract readers…

  10. mickslam commented on Jul 1

    Doom and Gloom?!?

    I don’t get it. I don’t get it at all.

  11. Vermont Trader commented on Jul 1

    Who’s gloomy? I made more money trading the short side in June than I make in most years.

    Some of that was due to ideas from reading posts and comments on this site.

    Doom and Gloom? No, it’s this little thing called reality.

    Tx, BR

    Now back to my vacation!

  12. Victor commented on Jul 1

    Mish’s site is easily the best of that bunch

  13. AGG commented on Jul 1

    Be proud. Barry.
    Reality isn’t for sale. Perception mangement is the hallmark of successful mendacity. The liars had a good run. The cat’s out of the bag and they keep trying to pretend nothing is chasing the rats. They are cornered and looking for the exits. They are a bunch of Bagdad Bobs.
    I notice “they” are throwing money at the market with the PPT today. They are getting desperate. Just imagine how much they’ll need to throw around July 21.

  14. Marcus Aurelius commented on Jul 1

    Happy, happy, joy, joy is simply an inappropriate reaction to our current economic situation. If anything, BR, you are a realist. Ignorance is bliss.

  15. Marcus Aurelius commented on Jul 1

    Happy, happy, joy, joy is simply an inappropriate reaction to our current economic situation. If anything, BR, you are a realist. Ignorance is bliss.

  16. Marcus Aurelius commented on Jul 1

    Happy, happy, joy, joy is simply an inappropriate reaction to our current economic situation. If anything, BR, you are a realist. Ignorance is bliss.

  17. Marcus Aurelius commented on Jul 1

    Happy, happy, joy, joy is simply an inappropriate reaction to our current economic situation. If anything, BR, you are a realist. Ignorance is bliss.

  18. JT commented on Jul 1

    I have never interpreted your analysis as doom and gloom. I actually think you are a bit of a optimist and hopeful about the future. Your “problem” is that you have chosen a path of critical thinking versus accepting what is being handed out.

    Reality is that individuals need to take care of themselves. We no longer should expect or can expect some entity or agency to take care of us. This does not mean we all go buy 40 acres and drop razor wire on the perimeter and grow food. It does mean that you work with people you trust and do not live beyond your means.

  19. reality bites hard commented on Jul 1

    the asshats get tripped up equating ‘doom&gloom’ with reality. they do not like reality or the truth. reality and truth are best served here. many thanks for what you do each day.

  20. General X commented on Jul 1

    strident now all the time.

    And I say this as a confirmed pessimist.

  21. Anon commented on Jul 1

    All I wish to say at this point is that it seems that your blog is only one of a handful of sources on the web that actually analyses data in a dispassionate manner, rather spinning it in your role as a cheerleader, either for doom or for “prosperity”

  22. on the internet no one knows that i’m a westie commented on Jul 1

    Try to be realistic and have an opinion that generates some cognitive dissonance and you’re dealt a quasi-ad hominem attack, and labeled a permabear.

    Real professional. It appears that someone still has the coping mechanisms of an eight-year old.

    IF there is a major recession/profit warnings/etc. the bottom will fall out of this market like a trap door and crush today’s bottomfeeders as pundits like that site get some reality-induced fear.

    Naturally as always YMMV.

  23. John W commented on Jul 1

    The list maker a douche who can’t read nor recognize what is coming for us come hell or high water.

    It’s the pioneers that always took the arrows. Wear them proudly.

  24. john f commented on Jul 1

    What would be the top ten anti-gloom and doom sites? Are there such things that are not affiliated with a major media outlet or investment bank???? I would love to find one….

  25. Renting in Mass commented on Jul 1

    It isn’t your fault that reality is gloomy!

  26. bumble commented on Jul 1

    Oh, come on.

    What sort of list is this? No Roubini?

    And what about (Marc Faber)?

  27. donna commented on Jul 1

    Doom and Gloom – the new right-wing code name for “Reality”.

  28. donna commented on Jul 1

    Although I would leave Mankiw off the reality list, myself…

  29. Bob commented on Jul 1

    You may be on the Top 10 list now, but when the economy turns around and the financial arena is more cheerful to write about, TBP will no longer be on the list.

    You tell it like it is. The fact that things don’t happen to be overly cheerful at the moment is not due to any biases on your part.

  30. zackattack commented on Jul 1

    To my mind, any publicity is good publicity.

    So, the only important question is: Did he spell your URL correctly?

  31. Mark E Hoffer commented on Jul 1

    Watts gets it, that cat, Kunstler, is a true Misanthrope.

    The others on the list, sans Mankiw, seem, to me, fairly straight-foward reporters of ‘what is’… sadly, Reality is, a Currency, out of Fashion..

  32. Mark E Hoffer commented on Jul 1

    for clarification, if it matters, I started my post after reading Watts’, phone started ringing, then finished…

  33. worth commented on Jul 1

    That 10SitesToSee site has some other good lists too! One is “10 Irrational Books You Have to Read” and it contains a book called The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives (Nassim would be proud), with a quick summary that pertains to the raging global warming debate on another of your posts. The 10Sites site says of the book:
    “More miraculous than either the accomplishments of the romantic hero or the intercessions of a supreme being (everyday stuff for most of us) is the rare discovery that two things (or “events” in the spatial-temporal order) suspected of being connected (a hypothesis) in fact cannot be shown “not” to have such a relationship (the proof).”
    I second that sentiment.

  34. ben commented on Jul 1


    Your work is great, and your calls, of late, have been impressive so for that be proud. I haven’t seen any other economist/advisor as spot on as you for many months, and certainly many I can think of off the top of my head who have been dead wrong.

    Also know though, this is a bear site. You didn’t know? Read a few of your visitors posts. I would guess 75% of the posts on this site predict some sort of USA is f*cked forever scenario. If you don’t see that you and I aren’t reading the same posts.

    It’s not what you write that they are referring to, it’s the people who post on the site, and the quotes of those who often make the front page.

  35. Sonic Seuss commented on Jul 1

    On a related note, the neoconservative Robert Kagan likes to refer to foreign policy realists as “professional pessimists”. Of course, this reveals more about the neoconservative mindset than it does about the realist mindset.

  36. Ron Israel commented on Jul 1

    How about a list of blue sky and sunshine financial blogs.

  37. johnnyvee commented on Jul 1

    A broad capitulation that the market is going to be bad may indicate that a bottom is coming. And this website being portrayed as a bear-when it really is just accurately reporting the weather–may be a contra indicator.

  38. shtove commented on Jul 1

    Wot – no Denninger!?

  39. Marc commented on Jul 1

    I used to have several of those sites in my bookmarks but I’ve deleted most of them. It’s one thing to be bearish, state the case and suggest opportunities. It’s quite another to just complain, complain, complain about everything (with a veiled hope) that the world really does come to an end. Are you Rapture Ready?

    Please don’t say “but it’s different this time”. I’ve heard that one before. Humans are far more adaptable than we give ourselves credit for.


  40. William Laird commented on Jul 1

    Without the alpha bear himself – Roubini, the list is woefully incomplete. Also financialarmageddon is pretty intense too. LOL

  41. Jim Haygood commented on Jul 1

    The cool thing about Roubini is that he walks the talk. He has a permanent grim, war-criminal scowl, which has etched deep lines into his boyish face. He hasn’t cracked a smile since he was seven years old (and his mom slapped him for giggling).

    Roubini views the world through dark, dark glasses. And as any celebrity will tell you, that’s the only way to see it. Rock on, Nouriel!

  42. Innocent Bystander commented on Jul 1

    If you want market cheerleading, watch Bubblevision, and invest with them. Fools.

  43. AGORACOM commented on Jul 1

    Barry, we need to improve your image and get you back to reporting good stuff.

    I’m thinking late night infomercials with you and Tony Little jumping up and down screaming

    “Buy US stocks today and we’ll throw in not 1 but 2 extra share certificates…


    Call in the next 20 minutes and we’ll throw in a basket of mortgage backed securities…


    Call right now and you’ll automatically qualify for our super duper economic stimulus package just to make double sure that you can’t lose!!

    What are you waiting for?? Call now and join millions of other Americans!!”

    DOOM & GLOOM Image Consultants

  44. Roger Bigod commented on Jul 1

    Being bearish since the real estate complex started to implode isn’t being a permabear. It’s being in touch with um reality.

    I didn’t read most of the blogs on the list before the last year, so I can’t say whether they’re permabears. Kunstler is a different case. He starts with a cultural position, which is disapproval of the suburban life style. I don’t think he wants to see people suffer, but he’s glad to be proven right about Peak Oil, if indeed this is where we are. He really doesn’t belong with the rest of the people on the list. He probably doesn’t know what a swap is and is proud of his ignorance.

  45. bluestatedon commented on Jul 1

    I visit two of the ten listed sites, BP and Mish. Does that make me a pessimist or an optimist?

  46. zackattack commented on Jul 1

    I really don’t get why NakedCapitalism is in there. It strikes me as more of an engineering site, written by someone who understands how the cogs of these complex securitizations work.

    I don’t see anything inherently bullish or bearish about it.

  47. Simon commented on Jul 1

    Good to see a few comments from people who at least use feminine monikers.

  48. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  49. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  50. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  51. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  52. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  53. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  54. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  55. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  56. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  57. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  58. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  59. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  60. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  61. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  62. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  63. tj & the bear commented on Jul 1

    Surprised “Winter Watch” didn’t make the list.

  64. zackattack commented on Jul 2

    In Mish’s defense, he was *just early enough* on several companies in trouble. His readers were all familiar with WM’s ARM troubles by late 2006.

    He pointed out that CORS was on the hook for an inordinate amount of Florida condo loans.

    He also twigged early to WCI’s troubles.

    All of those were multi-baggers for me.

  65. e. nonee moose commented on Jul 2

    Several of these sites appear to be of the “BUY GOLD” infomerical variety. Sadly, they’ve somehow found themselves proven right, at least as far as gold is concerned.

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