Looking at Hank Paulson’s Ethics

Forget Rolling Stone’s broadside: Today’s must read column is Gretchen Morgenson’s New York Times piece on Paulson:

“Mr. Paulson was closely involved in decisions to rescue A.I.G., according to two senior government officials who requested anonymity because the negotiations were supposed to be confidential.

And government ethics specialists say that the timing of Mr. Paulson’s waivers, and the circumstances surrounding it, are troubling.

“I think that when you have a person in a high government position who has been with one of the major financial institutions, things like this have to happen more publicly and they have to happen more in the normal course of business rather than privately, quietly and on the fly,” said Peter Bienstock, the former executive director of the New York State Commission on Government Integrity and a partner at the law firm of Cohen Hennessey Bienstock & Rabin.”

Its worth reading the whole thing . . .


Paulson’s Calls to Goldman Tested Ethics
Gretchen Morgenson and DON VAN NATTA Jr.
NYT, : August 8, 2009

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