G’Morning Pop


Good Tuesday morning — Dow futures are indicating an opening of 100+ today, following 7 consecutive sessions of losses.

Speaking of 100, today is supposed to hit 100 degrees in NYC, for the first time in about a decade. (If I were a moron who didn’t understand the difference between climate and weather, I would make a snarky comment about global warming. You know, the way the denialists do every time it gets cold out. But I am too classy to go there).

Where was I? Ahhh, yes, 100. That would be Dow points, degrees, and miles from NYC. Which is where I am, riding out the heat wave. Slathering on the SPF30 (Did you see that last Kudlow Report? My wife said I was the only one who looked like they ever left the office. Barry & the Very White Dudes).

But I digress.

Its a very light week when it comes to economic data, and some of the more senior staff are enjoying some down time. Look for light volume, easily pushed around indices.

For those of you poor bastards working in the city this week, stay cool . . .

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