Really Fair & Balanced: XMSR POTUS

For those of you who have XM Satellite radio, I will be discussing the new proposed spending programs from 4:00 to 5:00 pm today on POTUS with Pete Dominick.

If you are unfamiliar with POTUS, it has been called “real Centrist talk radio” and “truly fair and balanxced.”

Here’s a recent review:

“. . . While Fox News gives lip service to “Fair and Balanced” reporting, POTUS walks that walk. Every weekday, POTUS airs new programming with balanced news and commentary that is punctuated by the most important speeches of the day from political leaders across the spectrum, usually presented in their entirety. They also deliver the daily White House press briefings raw and unfiltered.

Their shows focus on politics, and leave the kitschy programming about the day’s latest Bubble Boy or shocking court video of a raped and strangled child to the Springeresque channels like CNN and FOX.

Instead of the 60 second blip and 30 seconds of spin, POTUS listeners are able to digest the major live events of the day and make up their own minds as to what it means. . . It is refreshing to be able to hear enough of what is going on in the news day live that one can form their own opinion about major events and political policy.

The centerpiece of the POTUS schedule is perhaps the best-kept secret in talk radio: A three-hour political talk program called “Stand-Up with Pete Dominick.” It is probably the only show of its kind: Real Centrist talk radio. It is truly the best political talk show on the air today.

Dominick, a comedian and man-on-the-street for CNN, goes out of his way to place his XM/Sirius show on neutral ground, even setting aside his own perceptions and opinions. He catches and clamps down on spin from either side of a discussion. He generally gets a bit more thoughtful and thought-provoking discussion out of his program . . .”

Should be fun.


XM/Sirius’ POTUS Channel May Be The Last Refuge of Balanced Political Journalism
Brian Ross
HuffPo, September 17, 2010

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