iPad Update

Last week, I mentioned I was considering an iPad purchase. The response fell into 3 categories:

1) Get one RIGHT NOW;

2) Wait til Gen 2

3) Get an Android/HP/ACER/Dell pad.

The Windows based units are out of the question; I already have a crappy computer (Dell Vostro), I don’t need a crappy tablet.

I am less than impressed with the Android units, whose main attraction seems to be that they are not Apple products. The irony is that to Apple fanboys (guilty) half the appeal was that they were not Microsoft products.

That leaves the choice between now and sometime in Q1 2011. Since the wife’s iBook 3rd battery is dying, I am thinking about picking up one now, then giving it to her when the new one comes out instead of replacing the laptop. Apparently, 13% of iPads are cannibalizing PC sales.

As to those other tablets? Well, they seem to be years behind Apples . . .

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