Deploying Corporate Cash

Greece saves the day!?
Greece saves the day!? A merger of Eurobank and Alpha Bank, the 2nd and 3rd largest banks in Greece will merge. Qatar, the 2nd biggest...
Are Most Americans Debt Slaves?
“The First Recorded Word For ‘Freedom’ In Any Human Language Is The Sumerian Amargi, A Word For Debt-Freedom … If...
How-to Guide for Fixing America’s Banks

Good Night Irene: Bullets Dodged.
Good Night Irene: Bullets Dodged. August 28, 2011 David R. Kotok ~~~ Bullets dodged this week: earthquake, Bernanke, Irene. What a week....
Supply Side National Debt
It came down for 37 year, then the national debt went out-of-control the year the supply siders’ took power. Are we trapped between...
From Green to Red – Is Credit Crunch 2.0 Imminent?
Satyajit Das is author of Traders, Guns and Money: Knowns and unknowns in the dazzling world of derivatives (August 2006) and Extreme...
The Geopolitics of the United States, Part 1: The Inevitable...