10 Thursday AM Reads

My morning reads:

• S&P 500 5% Corrections During the Current Bull Market (Be Spoke)
• The Euro Crisis Rebalancing, and the big squeeze (Economist) see also Europe or Japan: The Next Panic? (The Atlantic)
• Shift From Stocks to Bonds at Asset Firm (WSJ)
• For Whom Golden Parachutes Shine (Dealbook)
• May the odds be ever in your favor (Reuters) see also The Virtues and Vices of Election Prediction Markets (NYT)
• What inflation? (FT Alphaville)
• Preet Bharara’s breathtaking case against Countrywide and BofA (Thomson Reuters) see also Federal Prosecutors Sue Bank of America Over Mortgage Program (Dealbook)
• Corporate Spies and Co. (NYT)
• Apple, Google, and Amazon are so profitable because they know what to lose money on (Quartz) see also Microsoft’s Surface Tablet Lacks Apps to Rival IPad (Bloomberg)
• The End of Jazz (The Atlantic)

What are you reading?


How taxation by government has changed

Source: The Economist

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