10 Weekend Reads

Good Saturday morning! Here are some of the longer-form journalism that I have saved for your weekend reading pleasure.

• The dangerous combination of HFT+Twitter: Speed Kills  (New Yorker)
• The Big Short War (Vanity Fair)
Nate Silver: What Big Data can’t predict (Fortune) see also The Rise of Big Data How It’s Changing the Way We Think About the World (Foreign Affairs)
• Meet The Guy Who Helped Google Beat Apple’s Siri (Forbes)
• The Real Me: The internet’s unforgiving archive of our flaws (The Morning News)
The Criminal Mind: The field of neurocriminology is revolutionizing our understanding of what drives “bad” behavior (WSJ)
Top Secret: A hidden world, growing beyond control (Washington Post)
• Seeing Stars: The big science of building a giant telescope (Harvard Magazine)
• Octopus: The Footed Void (The New York Review of Books)
• The Uncensored Oral History of ‘The Hangover’ (Hollywood Reporter)

What is up on this glorious weekend?


Job Growth Better Than You Think
Source: MoneyBeat

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