10 Friday AM Reads

My morning reading:

• Smart money: Stocks headed higher (MSN Money) but see How the Fed could cause another 1987 crash (MarketWatch)
7 hilarious fun-filled years too late!  Moody’s Threatens to Cut Credit Ratings of Banks (DealBook)
• The economy’s slow but steady growth is terrible news for the doom-mongers (Telegraph) but see Consumers Skip Dining for Cars as Sales Slow (Bloomberg)
• The Pentagon as Silicon Valley’s Incubator (NYT)
• Fed Burned Once Over Taper Now Twice Shy on QE3 (Bloomberg) see also The Amazing Confusion in Economic Policy Debates (Project Syndicate)
• On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs (Strike Magazine)
• 30 year fixed rate mortgages are awesome (Noahpinion) see also How Not to Get Screwed on Your Mortgage (Crossing Wall Street)
• Looking Into The Future With A Rear-View Mirror (Capital Spectator)
• 10 reasons you don’t want to live in China (msn money) see also China’s American Bailout? (Project Syndicate)
Don’t send your kids off to college without these 50 Best ever College Life Hacks (Thought Catalog)

What are you reading?


Nasdaq in Fresh Market Failure
Source: WSJ

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