10 Weekend Reads

My longer form weekend reading:

• Our favorite charts of 2013 (Quartz)
• The rise of BlackRock (Economist) see also The monolith and the markets (Economist)
• Of markets and mayhem (Fortune)
• The Forgotten Lessons of 2008 (Farnam Street)
• The Nastiest Injury in Sports (Grantland)
• Big Hair on Campus: Did Donald Trump Defraud Thousands of Real-Estate Students? (Vanity Fair)
• The Art of Dying (Lapham’s Quarterly)
• Google Glass: What You’re Not Supposed to Do (Esquire)
• Vineyard owning for beginners (WSJ)
• 2013: The Year in Volcanic Activity (The Atlantic)

Whats up for the weekend?


Pension Funds Make the Most of Stocks Surge

Source: WSJ


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