10 Midweek PM Reads

My afternoon rain reading:

• ECB officials anxious about impact of U.S. fines on EU banks. (WSJ)
• World’s Biggest Wealth Fund Escapes Flash Boys in IEX Dark Pool (Bloomberg)
• What’s Apple Really Up To? Keeping You in Apple World. (Re/Code) see also Apple’s WWDC Delivers Developer Fanservice (TechCrunch)
• JPMorgan Sees Record $100 Billion in Loan Funds (Bloomberg)
• American drug companies don’t want to pay US taxes—but they want global customers to pay US drug prices (Quartz)
• Oh, to Live in a World Without Bosses! (Slate)
• Today’s WTF headline: The Republican Case Against Republican Economics (NY Times)
• Poll: Americans back Afghan pullout, see VA scandal as very serious (Washington Post) see also Most Americans support cutting coal plant emissions (Pew Research)
• SR-71 Blackbird: The Cold War’s ultimate spy plane (BBC)
• 25 Things Hiding in Sports Logos (Mental Floss)

What are you reading?



Post-Crisis, Banks Sell More Homes Than Builders

Source: NY Times

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