Curate Your Personal Investment Resources


My Sunday Washington Post Business Section column is out. This morning, we look at how to build a personal online research team.

The print version had the full headline How to build your own financial dream team, while the online version when with Curate your personal investment resources.

The goal here is to take advantage of the huge amount of investment news and resources without getting overwhelmed.

Here’s an excerpt from the column:

“Our goals here are threefold: First, to help you sift through the daily fire hose of information that seems to overwhelm so many investors; second, showing you how to filter out that which is unhelpful (or even worse, money-losing); and third, to create an efficient process that allows you to become more informed about finance.

You can cherry-pick some of the best techniques and shortcuts I have learned over the years. These will allow you to spend less than 15 minutes a day sifting through lots of material, then selecting only the most important and interesting items to read. My daily commute allows me almost 90 minutes of pleasurable, uninterrupted reading time of some of the smartest and most interesting writing in the English-speaking world. (See this for a flavor of my routine.)”

I suspect there are lots of shortcuts and tips that will find helpful in today’s column.



Curate your personal investment resources
Barry Ritholtz
Washington Post, June 15 2014

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