10 Tuesday PM Reads

My afternoon train reads:

• Confessions of a Financial Services Worker (Pragmatic Capitalism)
• One paper by Nobel Prize winner Jean Tirole that every internet user should know (Vox) see also Jean Tirole and Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation (Marginal Revolution)
• Before the Advice, Check Out the Adviser (NYT)
• Global Glut Keeps Pressure on Oil Prices (WSJ) see also Speculators Push Oil Into Bear Market as Supply Rises (Bloomberg)
• Nobel for Charles Barkley of Economics (Bloomberg View)
• The Privy Counselor (Epicurean Dealmaker)
• When History and Finance Go Wrong: The planning fallacy is our tendency to underestimate the time, costs and risks of future actions while overestimating the benefits (Think Advisor)
• Why Florida’s record-setting hurricane drought portends danger (Capital Weather Gang)
• We’re Sitting on 10 Billion Barrels of Oil! OK, Two (Bloomberg)
• What next, Samsung? (Asymco)

What are you reading?




Prices at the Pump Keep Dropping
Source: Bespoke


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