Interview: Full Disclosure Radio

artworks-000079826714-f6sx9b-t500x500Last week, Roben Farzad turned the tables and gave me the full podcast treatment on his show, Full Disclosure Radio. He was gracious and way too complementary. (Remind me one day to explain how the whole horse thing came about).

It was a fun conversation. We chatted for about an hour, and if the feed wasn’t scheduled to cut off, we probably could have gone another hour. You can download it on iTunes, stream it on Soundcloud, or just click after the jump to listen.

Every now and again, being reminded what its like on the other side of the interview is good for my MiB process. Be sure to give it a listen.


Full Disclosure Radio
Roben Farzad on Twitter



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  1. intlacct commented on Feb 17

    Good interview, Barry. That guy is pretty well-rounded, too (lots of arcane references).

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