State Minimum Wage Map

Source: Bloomberg

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  1. Whammer commented on Apr 3

    And once again we can see the strong correlation between low minimum wages and thriving, vibrant economies. You’d think the wingnuts would give up eventually, being wrong all the time about everything.

    • Iamthe50percent commented on Apr 3

      Sarcasm? Texas and Oklahoma have the lowest wages legally allowed. Also, I hate to admit it but Arkansas economy is booming while Illinois is dying. Business is moving into Indiana (before the latest intolerant bruhaha) while Michigan turns back into a farm state.

    • willid3 commented on Apr 3

      course Texas and Oklahoma both are on the front lines for that oil crash. good for every one else, but not so good for us. and Michigan’s problems are related to the continued exit by car companies, which has been going on for decades. course i am sure that new GOP governor will fix Illinois soon, just like they fixed Kansas and Wisconsin. and Louisiana . and New Jersey

      so what states did GOP governor fix of late?

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