Housing Bubble Watch

Fascinating data set and discussion via Trulia


Source: Trulia

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  1. BennyProfane commented on Jun 18

    Well, of course Trulia is going to tell us that homes are generally “undervalued” according to the “fundamentals”. Their business depends on more churn. But tell that to a 30 year old with a mortgage sized debt for college and a lousy job at the mall who’s still living at home with Mom and Dad, and Mom and Dad are also tapped out and can’t gift the child a down payment because they want to stop working someday.

  2. save_the_rustbelt commented on Jun 18

    Like the 2007 era, the bubble is very regional.

    Here in the middle of the country selling prices are just barely recovering to a weak 2007 level.

    New construction is non-existent in many cities.

    Maybe if we stopped selling out the middle class the center of the country could recover a bit.

  3. maggiemaggie commented on Jun 19

    Something is wrong with an economy where a house can be considered undervalued, yet unaffordable.

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