US Drought Monitor

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Source: Drought Monitor

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  1. Lyle commented on Jun 22

    Actually the map has more good news than bad the corn belt is not in serious drought so grains should be in good supply as compared to 2012. Also to show how fast things can change if you go to this page: and look at today and look at march 31 and today you see a big change in the plains and Tx. Or go back to the summer of 2012 and you can see why things were so bad in the corn belt.

  2. Lyle commented on Jun 22

    Drought does move around a bit, all of Tx was in extreme drought in Jan 2012 for example. But it did not get the news coverage of the problem in Ca, (Some towns in Tx ran out of water then also). This is why Tx has started a 8 billion over 10 years program to build more reserviors.

    • willid3 commented on Jun 22

      yep it is why we did that. course the question now is will it continue or will they pause it? given our state government, guessing they might just do that.

  3. willid3 commented on Jun 22

    course even California might be out of its drought depending on if el nino or is el nina shows up as they are predicting it too? then they will be in the same boat Texas is in now (pun not intended. but it works!)

  4. theexpertisin commented on Jun 23

    I just returned from a wonderful week in and around Newport Beach, California.

    From my villa on a hillside just south of the city overlooking the bay, I saw the landscaping receiving their daily deluge of water from Mexican gardeners – one who just left a hose running all day. At restaurants, twenty-ounce glasses of iced water abounded – even I if did not request water. I spent nine hours in LA and had a wonderful dinner at a relative’s home in Santa Monica. During transit In LA, especially in the burrios as part of my sightseeing side trip, many hydrants were open and I suspect all of those illegals not paying water bills and those in government subsidized housing were not the least bit concerned about faucet leaks and constantly running toilets. Hell, I used water out the ying-yang with non-water saving full force triple shower heads removing every microbe of undesirbale sweat and dirt from my body, several times over twice daily in my villa.

    Of course, I was just a visitor and maybe missed the water police enforcing whatever ever mindless laws and edicts Governor Moonbeam issued. I bet most (legal) folks in Cali realize that if it was not for the millions of illegals using California water resources and the state not building dams/reservoirs in anticipation of a rising population in order to protect a midget frog and an eenie-tweeny fishie, there would be no water problem at all. If they need more water drill baby, drill or tap the Pacific. With climate change raising the ocean level, here is a golden opportunity to make climate change work for the citizens.

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