Overall Advisor Satisfaction

From Wealth Management:

Advisor satisfaction and loyalty has tumbled at national brokerage firms amid heightened concerns over compensation changes and a lack of confidence in leadership.

Source: Wealth Management

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  1. cgercke commented on Jul 21

    Wait, why are brokers considered “advisors” again? Why don’t brokers want to be regulated like advisors?

    • rd commented on Jul 21

      They want to be perceived as non-violent pick-pockets instead of armed muggers.

  2. rd commented on Jul 21

    BTW – I am always amused when I see the term “employee loyalty.” In the age of the employee as a disposable and replaceable asset, the term “loyalty” should be replaced by something else, such as “mutually beneficial relationship”. Once “mutually” disappears from the relationship, any concept of loyalty is out the window.

    • Iamthe50percent commented on Jul 21

      In my 48 year history as an employee, I have always noted that management has a powerful belief in one way loyalty. The federal government was the worst. I only found true two way loyalty and support at one employer, a small start up. Unfortunately they sold out to a Fortune 500 company and the BS and exploitation started to flow. The unit eventually was closed due to losses. Losses that were never there when employees gave their all because management had their backs.

      Pay and bennies were better after the buyout, but part of the deal was for the founders to step aside and let the MBA’s urinate on the company.

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