10 Wednesday AM Reads

More currency wars, more red on the screen. We have you covered with the finest morning train reads in the land:

• Beware of the bubble in stock market bubble warnings (Marketwatch)
• Why Did China Devalue Its Currency? Two Big Reasons (Upshot) see also Give China’s Devaluation a Chance (BV)
•The Troubled Oil Business: Hitting peak oil will come faster than any of us think. But don’t blame dwindling supply — it’s all about disappearing demand (Medium)
• Fact Versus Fiction on Seattle Minimum Wage (TBP)
• The new switchers (Asymcosee also Addressing Concerns Over Apple’s iPhone Growth (Re/code)

Continues here


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  1. WickedGreen commented on Aug 12

    Sure, the EPA apparently really screwed the pooch in the gorgeous San Juan mountains. Like a lot of leftover pollution issues, though, it’s a complicated story of diverse neglect and fast money greed.

    Ignore the opportunistic winger troll brigade. Wouldn’t it be truly great if a regulatory agency really went after perps …

    Here’s a good read: https://www.hcn.org/articles/when-our-river-turned-orange-animas-river-spill

    I wonder how long we can go on blowing up the natural world and still live like we seem to want to (and export by example).

  2. VennData commented on Aug 12

    The share of unemployed Americans competing for each open job fell to a near eight-year low in June, pointing to a labor market tightening that could boost wage growth and bolster the case for an interest rate increase this year.

    The Labor Department’s monthly Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, released on Wednesday, showed the number of unemployed job seekers per open job fell to 1.58, the lowest since August 2007. The ratio was at 1.62 in May.


    About time the Republicans to apologized to President Obama

  3. Jojo commented on Aug 12

    I’m Marco Arment: a programmer, writer, podcaster, geek, and coffee enthusiast.
    The ethics of modern web ad-blocking
    August 11, 2015

    More than fifteen years ago, in response to decreasing ad rates and banner blindness, web advertisers and publishers adopted pop-up ads.

    People hated pop-up ads. We tolerated in-page banners as an acceptable cost of browsing free websites, but pop-ups were over the line: they were too annoying and intrusive. Many website publishers claimed helplessness in serving them — the ads came from somewhere else that they had little control over, they said. They really needed the money from pop-ups to stay afloat, they said.

    The future didn’t work out well for pop-ups. Pop-up-blocking software boomed, and within a few years, every modern web browser blocked almost all pop-ups by default.

    A line had been crossed, and people fought back.



    • willid3 commented on Aug 12

      nah the English wont do this its costs too much, they are into austerity you know?

    • Jojo commented on Aug 13

      No need. Everyone is going to travel by Hyperloop in the future. Or teleportation. :)

    • ilsm commented on Aug 12

      Tilting at windmills: the opposition to ‘Iran nuke deal’ are using the same arguments that sold the multi-trillion dollar shooting fest that only drove up the US debt. Iran nuke deal threatens their gross in the US’ mythical “national security” spending.

      We sha’nt be fooled again?

  4. RW commented on Aug 12

    Grasp the large, let go of the small: The transformation of the state sector in China

    Although a key driver of China’s recent economic growth has been the growth of private sector, the reforms of the state-owned sector in the late 1990s and early 2000s may have also played an important role in China’s growth. However, the reforms of the state sector appear to have stalled after the mid-2000s, and a recent announcement from the government about its intentions to further consolidate the state-owned sector may portend a new effort to revive these reforms.

    NB: …China has failed to make its allocation of property rights stick in any meaningful sense through the rule of law. Instead, it seems to have adopted a form of industrial neofeudalism.

    Such a system should not work: …And yet, somehow, it seems to be working in China. (BDL)

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