Fallon: Trump Interviews Himself In the Mirror

This was hilarious:




Be sure to watch the full interview on the Tonite Show — after seeing it, I no longer find it inconceivable that The Donald could be President. November 2016 is a long way off, but its not impossible that he could win.

Videos after the jump





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  1. Molesworth commented on Sep 13

    My spouse, a lifelong Democrat, is ready to vote for him, suggesting “if what you’re doing isn’t working, do something else.”
    If a Democrat is elected, Republicans will do everything to stop and obstruct.
    If a Republican politician is elected, we’ll go to war and the only the elites win.
    But Trump…well who knows but …

    • Molesworth commented on Sep 13

      Wish I could edit. That out that extra “the” or change it to “then.”
      So I ask, well maybe Trump can bully Congress into doing something constructive but what about foreign policy?
      Can you imagine him working with Angela Merkel? There’s no subtlety. No tact.
      The response:
      Great. Fine. We’re USA. We just changed the paradigm
      Deal with it.

    • DeDude commented on Sep 14

      Yes if what you are doing doesn’t work; shoot yourself in the foot. At least now you will have other worries.

  2. RW commented on Sep 13

    Hope your wife was kidding — bet she was even if frustrated as many of us are — but, in any case, the logical conclusion to the proposition that:

    If a Democrat is elected, Republicans will do everything to stop and obstruct.
    If a Republican politician is elected, we’ll go to war and the only the elites win

    is never vote Republican; voting for Trump doesn’t follow.

    OTOH “something else” could be moderately entertaining at times, at least in an armpit fart-noise kind of way, but still too unpleasant overall to make it worth it; e.g.,

    Solotaroff described the scene on Trump’s private plane for CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, saying there were two Donalds in the room. One, according to Solotaroff, is an “extraordinarily shrewd predator.” The other has “this 12- to 14-year-old boy sort of permanently affixed to his inner life.”

    That’s where the Fiorina comments came from, he told Cooper.

    “The second guy in the room with us was this guy whose emotional development I think stopped around 13 or 14. The kid that made the crack about Carly. The guy who made the crack about his daughter. The guy who got tossed out of the posh prep schools in Queens and sent to a military academy upstate where no son of a rich man ever winds up unless he really deserves to be there,” …

    A predatory president is one thing, a juvenile brat another; neither appeals and not knowing which one you’d get at any given moment appeals even less.

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