Look out below, Commodity Stockpile Edition

We never know why futures bounce around from moment to moment, but the excuse du jour is commodity stockpiles . . .



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9.22.15 futes


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  1. Global Eyes commented on Sep 22

    This is what debt overhang produces. Nothing is more deflationary than a commodities stockpile. Let’s hope it’s a hiccup and not something worse.

  2. theexpertisin commented on Sep 22

    William Devane :”What’s in YOUR safe?”

    Answer: less and less.

  3. willid3 commented on Sep 22

    well i guess this is just more fallout of wage stall. since it stalled a few decades ago, but for a short time that was made up with easy credit. well easy credit died in 2008, so the end consumer buys less and less

  4. DeDude commented on Sep 22

    The markets are not rational – I think psychology of the psychology. After a while of markets not going up, the fear that they may go down gains momentum. Now any little bump on the road feed into confirmation bias and becomes a trigger/excuse.

  5. machinehead commented on Sep 22

    Never mind the U.S. indices. What’s worrisome is Germany’s DAX, now in a bear market with a 22.7% decline from its April 2015 high.

    And that’s with the ECB still providing a QE crutch. What does it mean for us, here in QT (Quantitative Tightening) land? A test of the August lows, I reckon.

    Heads down, incoming fire!

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