MiB: NYU Prof Scott Galloway

Something to listen to while traveling:  This past week, our Masters in Business radio podcast, we speak with Scott Galloway, Professor of Digital Brand and Marketing at NYU Stern.

With the holiday shopping season almost upon us, Galloway discusses retail sales. Despite the massive changes in e-commerce, traditional brick and mortar stores have surprisingly regained the upper hand. He suggests that Amazon’s shipping expenses have become so great that Jeff Bezos, their CEO, should buy the US Post Office.

Galloway has founded and sold several companies, including Red Envelope, Prophet and L2 digital. In 2010, he created the Digital IQ Index, a global ranking of prestige brands’ digital competence. The index tracks brands across 850 data points, including Site & E-Commerce, Digital Marketing, Social Media, and Mobile.

He also discusses “the four horseman of technology” – Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google. His insights are provocative and fascinating.

Listen to the full podcast on iTunesSoundCloud and on Bloomberg.com. Earlier podcasts can be found on iTunes and at Bloombergview.com.

Next week, we speak with Ken Fisher of Fisher Investment.


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