10 Sunday Reads

My easy like Sunday morning reads:

• Five Things Smart Beta Can’t Do For You (Reformed Broker)
• Conflicting Economic Indicators Challenge Fed’s Policy Makers (NYT)
• Citi: ‘We Should All Fear Oilmageddon’ A feedback loop of the U.S. dollar, crude, capital flows, and emerging markets. (Bloomberg)
• Why European Banks Keep Getting Clobbered (WSJ)
• Are You Impressing or Intimidating Clients? (Financial Planning)
• Fining Bankers, Not Shareholders, for Banks’ Misconduct (NYT)
• Everyone Hates Martin Shkreli. Everyone Is Missing the Point (New Yorker)
• The Vampire Squid Tells Us How to Vote: Lloyd Blankfein charges for investment advice — but his political wisdom is free (RollingStone) see also Falling Towards Hillary: Even among her supporters, there was no great enthusiasm in Iowa for Mrs Clinton (The Economist)
• Why Mike Bloomberg Can Win: Record numbers of voters are independents— who won’t be satisfied with Clinton, Trump or Cruz. (WSJ)
• Flicker Off, Flicker On 263 73 70 LED bulbs were once pricey and easy to ignore. They’re about to become the standard. And it will happen very, very quickly (Slate) see also It’s the Beginning of the End for CFL Bulbs (Slate)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with BAML economist Ethan Harris.


Saudi Arabia Feeling the Pinch

Source: NYT


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