10 Sunday Reads

My easy like Sunday morning reads:

• How Great Is Dollar Cost Averaging? You Don’t Know The Half of It (Servo Wealth Management) see also How to Make Volatility Your Bitch (Reformed Broker)
• Swedroe: Don’t Buy Winners (ETF.com)
• A One Year Financial Plan (A Wealth of Common Sense)
• For Silicon Valley, the Hangover Begins (WSJ)
• Serving famous athletes and entertainers poses unique challenges for advisers (Investment News) see also Three Characteristics of a Successful Investment Firm (Wealth of Common Sense)
• Podcasts Face Advertising Hurdles (WSJ)
• Why Michael Bloomberg Could Run for President and Win (NY Mag) see also Bloomberg says he is eyeing 2016 run for the White House (FT)
• Sometimes, Scalia Surprised the Living Sh*t Out of Me (Esquire)
• Apple Versus the FBI, Understanding iPhone Encryption, The Risks for Apple and Encryption (Stratechery) see also The Battle Between Apple And The Government, Explained (Digg)
• The website OMGYes uses qualitative research and slick design to help women have better orgasms (Wired)

Be sure to check out ourMasters in Business interview this weekend with restaurant labor expert Saru Jayaraman on the demise of tipping and the minimum wage.



Cleveland Fed Core CPI YoY Nowcast – Last Two Years

Source: Bespoke Investment Group


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