10 Tuesday AM Reads

Spring has truly sprung, as my morning view now contains greens and reds and fuchsias as I assemble these blooming morning train reads:

• I Hate This Market, I Love This Market: Commodity investors have spent more time watching each other than watching the fundamentals (WSJ) but see “There are no Good Gold Analysts” (Pragmatic Capitalism)
• The Rise of the Most Powerful Idea in Investing (Bloomberg View)
• 180 Years of Market Drawdowns (A Wealth of Common Sense) see also How Have Stocks Fared the Past 50 Years? You’ll Be Surprised. (Motley Fool)
• Why do we pay so much for lousy investment advice? (LA Times)
• If you want to be like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, adopt their voracious reading habits (Quartz)

What are you reading?

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