MiB: Kelly Coffey, CEO, JPM Private Bank

On this week’s Masters in Business radio podcast, I speak with Kelly Coffey, CEO of the $650B JPM Private Bank.

She is one of the most senior women in finance, managing one of the largest investor firms in the world.  Coffey tells how how she came out of the JPM training program and was immediately economy. She also ran the Derivatives marketing group, and was a key player in the JPM takeover of Bear Stearns during the financial crisis.

She discusses what it takes for women to advance in the world of finance, and what obstacles must be overcome.

Download the full podcast at iTunes and SoundCloud and Bloomberg. Earlier podcasts can be found on iTunesSoundcloud and at Bloombergview. Masters in Business broadcasts on Bloomberg Radio on Friday evening at 9pm, Saturday at 4am, 10am, 6pm, and 11pm, and early Sunday morn at 3am.

Next week, we speak with Jeff DeGraaf, Chief Technician and founder at Renaissance Macro.



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