10 Sunday Reads

My easy-like-Sunday morning reads:

• S&P 500’s record dividend run ends in first quarter (Financial Times)
• Social Media: The Cornerstone of Financial Firms in the 21st Century (CFA Institute)
• Searching For Google CEO Sundar Pichai, The Most Powerful Tech Giant You’ve Never Heard Of (Buzzfeed)
• How Much Have Housing Prices Gone Up in 30 Years? Hint: Less Than a Big Mac (Realtor.com)
• It’s Time for Investors to Re-Learn the Lost Art of Reading (MoneyBeat)
• Why Is It So Hard To Vote In America? And What Can We Do to Fix It? (Brennan Center for Justice) see also Wisconsin’s Voter ID Law Could Block 300,000 Registered Voters From the Polls (The Nation)
• Iceland: Where Bad Bankers Go to Prison (Bloomberg)
• Early Trader Joe’s April Fools’ joke panics the Internet (AZ Central)
• Can Trump become so unpopular that Democrats take back the House? (Washington Post) see also This is not a joke: Hillary needs someone like Al Franken if she’s going to beat Trump (Politico)
• Everything you need to know about whether money makes you happy (80,000 Hours)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Tom Dorsey of Dorsey, Wright & Associates.



Corporate Buybacks Poised to Top 2007 Peak

Source: Bloomberg



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