We Are Living in a “Post-Factual Democracy”

Give it up for Wordspy‘s impeccable timing:


A democracy in which ignorance and irrationality hold sway over facts and reason.


Thirdly and perhaps most significantly, we now live in a post-factual democracy. When the facts met the myths they were as useless as bullets bouncing off the bodies of aliens in a HG Wells novel.

—Nicholas Barrett, “Fed up millennials speak out,” Financial Times, June 24, 2016


We have entered a post-factual democracy
—George Mannes, “We have entered…,” December 11, 2015


Infostorms may be generating a new type of politics: the post-factual democracy. Facts are replaced by opportune narratives and the definition of a good story is one that has gone viral.

—Vincent F Hendricks, “All those likes and upvotes are bad news for democracy,” The Conversation, December 18, 2013


Its right in line with Mondays discussion on Agnotology

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