5 Do-Not-Miss Financial Podcasts

Very nice list of informational podcasts work checking out. I am pleased that Masters in Business is one of them.


Today, there are over 250,000 unique podcasts in over 100 languages. Unfortunately, not every channel is going to convince you to subscribe to their content as oversaturation breeds low quality. Cruising through the channels can easily become a waste of time (and dangerous if you’re driving). That is why I felt compelled to share my current favorite five podcasts. If you have never opened the built-in podcast app on your phone, now is the time to explore. I mean, Apple won’t let you delete the app either way, so what do you have to lose?



Click for the full list.

Source: Financial Time Traveler



“As a contributor to almost all forms of finance media, whether audio, video, or text, Barry is also an equities analyst and Chief Investment Officer at Ritholtz Wealth Management. His experience and ability to communicate high-level information and simplify it for the masses shine through on his podcast. Guest interviews are accompanied by the top names in finance, and Barry knows instinctively which questions to ask each guest. He is everyone’s favorite rich uncle and if you are looking for detailed information on precisely how the gears turn in business, look no further.”


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