Minister of Truth

Businessweek pulls no punches in its cover story this week:

Over the contentious first month of Trump’s presidency, key advisers have struggled to communicate his policies. His press secretary, Sean Spicer, has been flustered at the podium and cruelly lampooned on Saturday Night Live. Presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway has been blacklisted by several news shows for telling falsehoods and cited by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics for promoting Ivanka Trump’s fashion line on Fox News, a “clear violation,” it said, of rules against misuse of her White House position.

Meanwhile, Miller has maintained an unwavering composure under attack. On Feb. 12, the White House sent him out to do the rounds of Sunday talk shows. Where Spicer and Conway struggled, Miller, in his tailored suit and skinny tie, proved a smooth and imperturbable aggressor, confidently pressing Trump’s most dubious claims. On ABC’s This Week, Miller called Trump’s immigration stance “magnificent” and, grinning slyly, lectured host George Stephanopoulos that Trump’s Mexican wall would “pay for itself many, many times over.”

Fascinating . . .


Source: Bloomberg Businessweek

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