10 New Year’s Eve Reads

My getting ready for a quiet cold New Year’s Eve, morning reads:

• Stellar year for stocks; more highs forecast (Axios)
• The Top Investment Podcasts of 2017 (Meb Faber)
• Stock Buybacks: Separating Myth from Reality (Barron’s)
• 11 Stocks Rattled by Amazon in 2017. (New York Times)
• A physicist who always dreamed of working in the US says it’s no longer the ‘global center of science’ (PRI)
• How the Russia Inquiry Began: A Campaign Aide, Drinks and Talk of Political Dirt (New York Times)
• Trump is right when he says ‘there’s never been anything like it before’ (MarketWatch)
• 2017: The Year in Trump (The Nib)
• Celebrities Who Made a Difference in 2017 (Variety)
• 19 award-winning photos taken by drones (World Economic Forum)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Anil Dash, CEO of Fog Creek Software, and incubator of startups Trello, Stack Overflow, and Glitch. Dash was an advisor to the Obama White House’s Office of Digital Strategy.


Trump’s First Year Approval Ratings

Source: NYT


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