10 Friday AM Reads

My end of week, leaving Chicago, morning plane reads:

• Since 2013, 80 percent of S&P 500 gains come during earnings seasons (Bloomberg) see also Don’t Use the 200-Day Moving Average as a Sell Signal (Bloomberg View)
• Why most financial media hinders, rather than helps, investors (Evidence-Based Investor)
• What Are Senior Citizens’ Biggest Financial Regrets From Their Twenties? (Priceonomics)
• Washington DC vs Silicon Valley: America’s Athens and Sparta (UnHerd)
• James Harden Isn’t Playing Around (GQ)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Annie Duke, an expert in the science of decision-making, and one of the top poker players in the world. In 2004, she won the World Series of Poker (WSOP). She is the author of “Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All the Facts.”

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