Median Income of Various Firms

Chart from WSJ showing median income of various firms

Source: WSJ



Last week, I explained how unusual the pay scale is at Amazon. They pay a low median wage. The high paying average tech and engineering jobs were dragged lower by low paying retailing and warehousing work. (See $28,446)

That led to a Bloomberg column on the topic: Billionaire Bezos and the Warehouse Workers. In that column, I suggested forgetting the ratio of median pay between CEO and lowest paid employees; consider instead the ratio of net worth between the CEO and the median paid worker. For Amazon and Bezos, its about 100 billion to one.

I like this morning’s WSJ column showing the same, with a great graphic (above) of the typical worker at is a warehouse making $28,446 a year versus typical tech salaries. *



Amazon’s Typical Worker Is in a Warehouse Making $28,446 a Year
By Georgia Wells, Rachel Feintzeig and Theo Francis
WSJ, April 22, 2018

Billionaire Bezos and the Warehouse Workers
Barry Ritholtz
Bloomberg, 23 April 20, 2018




* Note the data on this is from a variety of sources, and there are a mix of median, average and mean. I know, its a cardinal data crunching sin, but there is no standard average salary data source to allow precise cross company comparisons. Fort the purposes of this comparison, it should be good enough . . .


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