10 Tuesday AM Reads

My Two-for-Tuesday morning train reads:

• Sears through the years: The rise and fall of a retail giant (Los Angeles Timessee also  The Marriage From Hell: Why Eddie Lampert’s failing Sears-Kmart experiment could mean trouble for dealmakers everywhere. (Entrepreneur)
• The Interview: Michael Lau on the State of Mortgage Finance (Institutional Risk Analyst) see also The New American Dream Home Is One You Never Have to Leave (New York Times)
• Forests Emerge as a Major Overlooked Climate Factor (Quanta Magazine) see also Climate change evidence: How do we know? (NASA)
• The Internet Apologizes … Even those who designed our digital world are aghast at what they created. see also A breakdown of what went wrong — from the architects who built it. (New York Magazine)
• Baby-boomer rock stars are still making tens of millions on tour  (Quartz) see also How Led Zeppelin Came to Be (Rolling Stone)

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