End Family Fire

These numbers are horrific:

8 Children a day are unintentionally injured or killed by a gun

4,600,000 Children live in a home with an unlocked, loaded gun

75% of children know where firearms are kept in their house

#2 Guns are the second leading cause of death among children

Data sources: End Family FireDoctors for AmericaThe Gun Safety Alliance



Source: End Family Fire


With more than 33,000 deaths relating to guns annually in the United States, the End Family Fire campaign aims to highlight the importance of safe gun storage at home. More than one-third of U.S. adults live in firearm-owning households and more than half of homes with children and firearms have one or more firearms in an unlocked place. Therefore, it’s not surprising that firearm-related injuries in or near the home, including unintentional injuries, homicides and suicides are a leading cause of death—and the risk is markedly higher for gun-owning households than non-gun-owning ones. The new campaign will introduce the American public to the concept of “Family Fire,” which reframes what it means to have a gun in the home.



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