Blair on the Gender Gap in Finance

Blair Duquesnay, an advisor for Ritholtz Wealth Management — she is a CFA/CFP who sits on our investment committee, appeared today on CNBC to discuss her New York Times op-ed “Consider Firing Your Male Broker.”

Ignore the incendiary headline — those are written by editors, not writers — and note the discussion on the need for more women to enter the field of wealth management on Wall Street.

At the Belle Curve, she explains the genesis of how the op-ed  came about:

“Last fall, an editor of the Times Sunday Review, Talmon Smith, contacted me about writing an essay for the paper. He read my post harping on the lack of women in the financial advice industry and asked me to take a second crack at the topic. When I regained consciousness, I said yes. I mean, its the NEW YORK TIMES, a dream becoming reality.

A few weeks later, I emailed him 1,200 words that I’d mulled to death. After a thorough editing process, it became a cohesive argument on why the world needs more women financial advisers. The title (chosen by the paper, not me) was provocative, “Consider Firing Your Male Broker”. I came out swinging. Here’s a link to the piece.

The title was tongue in cheek and meant to attract eyeballs…”

I would suggest reading the OpEd first, then watching the clip below, then diving into her explanatory — in that order . . .


Source: CNBC

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