Wanted: Radio & Podcast Producer / Booker

Experienced person needed to jump into role as producer/booker for an existing radio show / podcast, filling in for senior producer who is on 3 to 6 month leave.

Duties include booking guests, coordinating studios and engineers, manage calendars, perform regular status updates with host, do correspondence and follow ups with guests.


Must be personable, well organized and diligent.

Have experience in booking radio and/or TV;

Capable of following directions and working independently.

Working with high level guests;  familiar with Bloomberg terminal; have a working knowledge of finance industry personalities.


Freelancer contract starts in January, 10-20 hours per week, runs about 3 months (or longer, depending upon external events). Compensation is $ 20-30 / hour, depending on experience.

Please send resume/cover letter to MIBPODCAST at BLOOMBERG dot NET




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