My 2020 Forecasts (Guaranteed not to be Wrong)

My “guaranteed to not be wrong” forecasts for 2020:


Category Forecast
Dow Jones Industrials The Dow will be even Jonesier in 2020
S&P 500 We should all be so lucky
10 Year Bond Looks tall for its age
Emerging Markets Will continue until it sees its shadow
Fed Fund Rates Should be ashamed of itself
US Housing Market Love it or list it
Inflation Witch Hunt!
GDP We have the grossest domestic product
Unemployment Gig this
ECB Rates Negative
Gold Shiny
Bitcoin This is the year. No, THIS is the year
Growth in China Will unofficially be wildly overstated
European Sovereign Debt Angela will be missed
Market Volatility  Agreed
Abenomics & Japan Hello, Kitty!
Possibility of Recession More things are possible than will actually occur.
2020 Election outcome Can’t come soon enough


That’s the most honest set of predictions you will read this season.
(based on a 2013 Bloomberg column)

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